Sunday, September 25, 2022

Anti-War Where?

As I began to research the websites provided for this week's assignment I was unexpectedly surprised by just how different the content within them seemed to be from anything else I had considered to be a "news article" before then. The passion that shines through with how strongly the writers on these sites disapprove of the idea of America going to war is impressive, and there's no shortage of articles covering almost every single foreign dispute that our country has entered within the last decade.

The spotlight post from Antiwar was "The US Empire is Accelerating Toward Global Conflict on 2 Fronts." I found it very surprising for an American-written article to have the brutality to state the hard fact that "while this war is indeed insanely dangerous, it's not because of any of the words coming out of Vladimir Putin's mouth." It's surprising because this is, admittedly, the truth that "mainstream" media is trying to sweep under the rug: the fact that President Biden has shown a repeated and explicit commitment to send our country into a global and potentially nuclear war against the other superpowers of the world.

It makes sense on the surface to me why stories like this aren't getting more exposure, it isn't necessarily popular to sing the praise of your country's enemies after all. However, I also feel relieved that there's still even the opportunity for journalists to voice their opinions freely like this without fear of breaking the law. Examples of censorship such as how "hidden" websites and other anti-war news outlets get shafted below "mainstream" news are certainly disheartening, but it's still good to see that the fundamental personal rights our founding fathers intended for us are still being upheld.

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